Rosen Method and the Language of Touch
Call for more information about customized presentations, group discussions and workshop exercises involving touch and perception, or send an email.
Rosen Method Bodywork is uniquely effective approach to health and well-being. Rosen touch gets to the heart of what’s important to you; the work is intuitive, respectful and curious. Its power lies in the focus and presence of the practitioner who brings unconditional acceptance to your embodied truth. Learn more about this work and introduce it to your friends and colleagues.
Rosen touch is gentle, yet inquiring and responsive to the client's process. The practitioner's hands are open and receptive, sometimes working and at other times "listening" for changes in the breath, muscles and skin. Rosen hands are alert to subtle responses in the body be it to a spoken word, a sound, a thought, a feeling or an image that arises naturally during the session.
Would you like to learn more about this uniquely effective method for
self-discovery, deep relaxation and pain relief?
I am available for presentations, group discussions and exercises involving touch and perception. Call to schedule my time for your club, a networking group or association. Presentations of 20 minutes to 2 hours are at no charge.
I am also available for half- or full day Rosen Method workshops. Prices vary. Workshops provide the opportunity to give & receive Rosen touch, ask questions and to share your experience with others.